
Animated #1

Animated #2

Animated #3

Animated #4
Best of...

#2 A music player

#5 A simple popup window

#6 A calendar

#8 A list of categories

#9 A confirmation popup

#13 A non-scientific calculator view

#14 #15 A category cards screen

#16 An articles view

#17 A line graph chart #18 A bar graph

#23 An alarm clock

#24 A weather forecast view

#27 Message sent


#30 Contact info #31 Rating

#32 A screen with checkboxes

#34 A mobile homepage

#36 An online ticket

#38 A live chat


#39 An inbox #41 A QR code screen

#43 A screen with transaction details #45 A dropdown list


#48 A restaurant menu #50 An order form

#51 A screen with options to filter products

#52 A screen to invite your contacts to an app

#53 A help table

#55 A list of notifications

#56 A bank account view

#58 A photo gallery

#60 A modern product detail screen

#61 An autofill search bar


